Toyota engineers created an advanced forklift safety system with 10 sensors, 3 actuators, and a smart controller. This system ensures the safety of the driver, load, and the surrounding environment.
Discover how this innovative technology can enhance and benefit your daily operations.
Active Control Rear Stabilizer System:
When it comes to ensuring lateral stability during forklift operations, the Active Control Rear Stabilizer System plays a pivotal role within Toyota's SAS.
- Key Role: The patented swing lock cylinder is the linchpin, enhancing lateral stability
- Action: It secures the rear steer axle, transforming the forklift's stability footprint
- Outcome: Significantly reduces the risk of lateral tip-overs, by locking the Swing Lock Cylinder, and changing the forklift’s stability footprint from triangular in shape to rectangular
- The triangle, essentially a pyramid, is oriented around the forklift
- An unloaded forklift's center of gravity is in the middle of the stability triangle
- Each load has its own center of gravity, interacting with the forklift's, creating a combined center of gravity
- As the forklift raises or tilts a load, the combined center of gravity shifts
- The rate of acceleration, turns, and stops also influences the combined center of gravity
- If the combined center of gravity approaches the stability triangle's outer limits, there's a risk of tip-over
Active Mast Function Control System:
Tackling the issues related to longitudinal stability, the Active Mast Function Control System stands as a critical component within Toyota's SAS.
- Key Function: Intelligent adjustments ensure controlled forward tilt to address lateral stability
- Considerations: Factors in load weight and extended mast height for precise adjustments
- Prevention: Two features are activated to help reduce the chances of forward or rearward tip-overs: forward tilt control and rear tilt speed control
Toyota's SAS system stands alone as the pioneer and sole system of its kind in the material handling industry. Widely embraced as one of the most significant safety advancements in the field, this acknowledgment underscores the crucial role of Toyota SAS in safeguarding your most invaluable assets – your operators.
What are The Benefits of Toyota SAS
- Unmatched Safety in Real-Time
- Rapid Response: With over 3,000 readings per second, SAS is unparalleled in detecting unsafe operating conditions and responding in real-time
- Industry Recognition
- Widely Accepted: Recognized across the industry, Toyota's SAS has earned its reputation as one of the most critical safety developments in material handling
- Operator-Centric Focus:
- Operator Protection: SAS is not just about safeguarding equipment; it prioritizes the well-being of your operators, making it an invaluable asset for any material handling environment
Learn more about how SAS drives down workplace costs and see it in action: Toyota Material Handling | System of Active Stability (SAS) (
Find the transcript to the video : Toyota Material Handling’s System of Active Stability (SAS)™ Video | Toyota Forklifts
Driving Down Workplace Costs with Toyota SAS
As mentioned in the video above by Toyota, Toyota's SAS contributes to reducing overall workplace costs. Nearly 70% of an average forklift's annual operating costs are attributed to operator and damage costs. Toyota's SAS is designed to address these cost drivers with its unique set of functions.
Six Primary Functions of SAS for Cost Reduction
- SPEED REDUCTION WHEN CORNERING: Enhances stability during turns by automatically slowing down the forklift.
- SWING LOCK CYLINDER: Locks the rear axle to reduce sideways tip-overs during turns.
- MAST FRONT TILT ANGLE CONTROL: Adjusts the mast's tilt speed based on load weight and extended mast height.
- MAST REAR TILT SPEED CONTROL: Reduces mast tilt speed to prevent spills or reverse tipovers.
- FORK LEVELING CONTROL: Automatically tilts the mast to ensure forks are at 90 degrees, reducing the need for constant mast angle adjustments.
- ACTIVE STEERING SYNCHRONIZER: Ensures proper alignment between the steering wheel and truck wheels, promoting ergonomic and efficient operation
Measurable Returns with SAS
- Low Maintenance Costs: Studies have shown that SAS costs only $17 per year to maintain on average, delivering measurable returns on the initial investment
"Elevate your warehouse safety and efficiency – request a quote for Toyota's SAS system: Contact Us | Atlas Toyota
Read more on: Toyota SAS: Innovative Forklift Stability System | Toyota Forklifts Blog
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